Prayerfully Support The Mission

Sunday, April 30, 2017

"Because Of The Times" Bishop Wagner BOTT 1987

Bishop Norman Wagner - Next Time

Considering The Impact of Culture Within Our Churches

Ministry Within The Context Of Culture – A Few Considerations
(Written by Kevin A. Hall       04.30.17)

Gene Getz wrote a fascinating book on “Sharpening the Focus of the Church”. A review of the material suggests that there are some things that we take for granted when it comes to the operation of ministry. According to Getz there are 6 focus areas that church leadership can place an intentional effort in order to achieve their desired purpose and objectives - Evangelism, Edification, Leadership, Communication, Administration and Organization. In all these areas a few key questions should be asked to assess effectiveness: (1) How can biblical principles be translated into purpose? (2)  How can the goals, objectives and standards be formulated for the local church? As we make these assessments in all areas of the ministry, we cannot afford to allow ourselves to be in bondage to the culture and we definitely should not be separated from it. Every consideration we make should be done in light of scripture with the intent to build bridges.
As we consider the impact of culture, the church needs to look at her place within that culture. How does culture impact the worldview of its members? How does the church impact society? We need to provide outlets for the church to be incarnated into the society; adapting yet not compromising. This means ensuring our reach extends beyond the four walls to influence activities within the government, businesses, schools, the arts, our church programs and especially our homes.
Regarding Evangelism, we need to consider our role in contributing toward the Great Commission. Does the mission of the church extend into the local community and beyond? Is there an effort to encourage corporate witnessing? Is the church just a “Saving Station” or is it a “Place of Empowerment – A Bridge to the World”? How are we doing in reaching families, households and single individuals? Are we actively seeking to identify, develop and to deploy our members’ gifts? How about our New Convert Care – what happens after we have made converts? Is there a strategy in place to “disciple” our brothers and sisters?

Friday, April 28, 2017

God's Covenant With Man Revealed

 Covenant Theology – God’s Promise To Man
(Written by Kevin A. Hall    04.28.17)

One thing is clear, the Lord made covenants with man throughout history. We can call them reminders of God’s gracious promises. The first time I notice the word being used is during the time of Noah where God declared “I will establish my Covenant with you, and you shall go into the ark – you, your sons, your wife, and your sons’ wives with you” … We call this the Noahic covenant. Ketcherside states that God has chosen to relate to man on the basis of covenants. In the case of the Nohaic covenant, we see the God – man stipulations: God sets the conditions; He gives the terms; He signs the covenant. This approach is repeated throughout human history in a series of other covenants -The Abrahamic, the Mosaic, the Davidic and the New Covenant.

The Mosaic covenant is called the First covenant. It is also called the Covenant of Law or the Mosaic Law. Deuteronomy 4:11-13 attests to that. There is enough evidence to support the argument that the Law is not simply the first 39 books of the Bible.  One example is reference to Jeremiah 31:31 which proves that the people had already broken the First Covenant and 31:32 which states that the first covenant was made when “God took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt.
The Law was considered faulty (Hebrews 8:7). We could not be justified by it (Galatians 3:10). The Law itself was not weak, but man was, as he was not able to keep it perfectly (Romans 8:1-3). The Law itself could not give life, nor could it effect the forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 10:4).  Man was aware that he needed something more. Even though “he went away from the worship services having met its requirements, he was conscious that it could not fully meet the needs (Reese, 150). Therefore, the Lord sought a more excellent way. This was prophesied in Jeremiah 31:31-34. The benefits of this New Covenant would include (1) The Forgiveness of sins; (2) Direct and personal access to Almighty God; (3) Reconciliation – God makes the promise that He will be our God as we become His people; (4) The Ministry of the Indwelling Holy Spirit that will govern us from the inside. This is the source of our Christian Liberty.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

This Lady Was Baptized Today - What Is The Significance Of Baptism?

Baptism Saves! Yes it does!
(Written by Kevin A. Hall  04.23.17)

Today I witnessed the power of God's spiritual kingdom upon this lady... Without a doubt, she experienced Pentecost. She received the Promise - ‘And it shall be in the last days,’ God says, ‘That I will pour forth of My Spirit on all mankind’ (Acts 2:17). She’d been attending the church for a few weeks now and last Tuesday, decided she wanted to be baptized. We were so excited for her. God is moving upon the hearts of the people of this island. So, here we are. Today was her BIG day. You could sense the anticipation of a blessing in her spirit. She was hungry. She wanted God. I saw her on Wednesday night at the annual convention where she told me she couldn’t wait till Sunday!!
Sunday has come...Last week we celebrated 'Resurrection Sunday'. Today is her "Resurrection Sunday'. Bless the Lord!!  Those who respond to the Gospel message have new life in Christ!
It wasn’t long after she was “immersed” into the water that she came up stuttering…she began to worship God…the intensity of her worship increased…and then…she began to SPEAK IN TONGUES!!  Just like on the day of Pentecost.

The Day of Pentecost
Acts 2 When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. 2 And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 And there appeared to them tongues as of fire distributing themselves, and they rested on each one of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance.

Keeping in mind the significance of the moment, I thought I would pen my thoughts on Baptism. What happens when a person gets baptized? Well, Baptism now saves! The Apostle Peter describes it this way: “Baptism now saves you—not the removal of dirt from the flesh, but an appeal to God for a good conscience—through the resurrection of Jesus Christ”. Baptism takes care of the legal problem of guilt for sin. It satisfies the penalty. Through the process of Baptism, the Holy Spirit regenerates the sin sick heart, taking away the guilt through the power of the blood. In response to the Apostle Peter's message on the day of Pentecost the people asked “What shall we do?” Peter said to them “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38).

REPENT > The turning away from
BE BAPTIZED > An outward act of receiving God’s grace for the forgiveness of sins

Friday, April 21, 2017

Controversial Considerations For Those Seeking To Start A Family

An Opinion On Reproductive Technology

(Written by Kevin. A. Hall  10.13.16)
Reproductive technologies play a major role in the lives of so many in our culture.  When I think of what the term means I automatically think of options for assisting folks with having a baby. The term actually refers to “various medical procedures that are designed to alleviate infertility, the inability of a couple to produce a child of their own” (Rae, 156). I am in total support of technologies that aid the reproduction process but the ethics of the process cannot be ignored.
As it stands, options available for parents/parent include artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization and surrogate motherhood. Compassion comes to mind when one thinks of the couple or the single adult who so long to have the joy of a child in their lives. This process can make this possible. Here’s a quick overview of available options:

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Is The Influence Of Our Churches Diminishing?

The Diminishing Influence Of Our Churches In A Post-Modern World
(Written by Kevin A. Hall   04.19.2017)

I conducted a study of the diminishing influence of our churches within this post-modern generation recently based on an excellent Doctoral Dissertation. I am unable to share the resource, but found it necessary to document a few takeaways which are key to our present attitude of “doing church”.
There is no doubt, that the perceived influence of the church has diminished over the past few decades. One contributing factor has been philosophical thought especially the influence of Post-Modernism upon this last generation. Mike McDaniel makes a very good case about the demise of Christianity post-Christendom. Its effect is global, reaching even what may seem to be remote parts of our world with the ushering in of Globalism. I can tell you that even on an Island of less than 5000 people where I presently reside, we see the effects of Post-Modernism. Churches on this island are fairly empty. It is not uncommon for the average Sunday Morning attendance to be less than 17. One church I attended had  10 in attendance. There were 2 males over 40 years old, 6 females over 60 years old and 2 children under 11 years old. Where is the younger generation? Working adults under 40? Strong young men between the ages of 16- 30? How about the children? How can our churches be missing their precious laughter and presence? Travelling around the countryside I was pleasantly surprised to find “the missing”. Schools were filled to capacity with children and young people. Young men were on the streets in the afternoon playing basketball. Kids were up and about on Saturdays. Ever so often I would see a young lady walking on the street. I met them in the places of business and in the laundromats; also by the beach or the Bayfront with their babies. The young men I found at the barber shops and the liquor store. They often congregate in groups, usually in someone’s yard. Thankfully, it seems they are not running wild on the streets. There seem to be a method to their gathering. They are almost invisible, but they are here…and in large numbers. It seems that most people stay indoors. Crime is low, but there is a high percentage of babies being born to single family homes. A large percent of the church’s target audience is staying home, and this trend is not uncommon to Christendom in general.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

The Big Miss On Palm Sunday

The Big Miss On Palm Sunday
(Written by Kevin A. Hall    04.09.17)

Jesus walked wherever He went. There were no cars, no bicycles, no motorbikes, no trucks, no planes, no buses. They had chariots, horses and other animals of use… but His preferred method of travel was by foot. This makes me think about the days when there were strikes in the country and a couple of us would “foot it” for miles back home from school. Those were the days. The good old days. Nowadays, if you are like me, then I park my car near a mall entrance, return to my car, then drive to the other side of the mall (unless of course my wife is with me..then I have to walk the entire mall. I get lazy sometimes. But not Jesus! He loved “footing it”. Except when He traveled by boat, or walked on water! Today would be different. Today, He gave His disciples a different kind of instruction:
 As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of his disciples, 2saying to them, “Go to the village ahead of you, and just as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. 3If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you doing this?’ say, ‘The Lord needs it and will send it back here shortly.’ ”
4They went and found a colt outside in the street, tied at a doorway. As they untied it, 5some people standing there asked, “What are you doing, untying that colt?” 6They answered as Jesus had told them to, and the people let them go. 7When they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their cloaks over it, he sat on it (Mark 11:1-7)
His followers knew something was about to happen. Why did Jesus want to travel on a young donkey?  Imagine what was going through their heads…He is up to something Today.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

God's Strategy For The World

A Biblical Perspective  -  God’s Will For Reaching The Nations
 (Written by Kevin. A. Hall 04.08.17)

The Evangelization of the world has been the mission of God since the beginning of time. The God of the Bible is a “sending God” with a heart for the peoples of all nations. We see his passion demonstrated throughout the pages of biblical history and supported by natural history and sciences. God is missional. God's purpose and goal is His entire creation. One can say that the lives of people lived over thousands of years is a divine drama “divided into a series of Acts following the lives of the people it portrays as they struggle with the reality of a broken world and their own yearnings to connect to the One in whose image they are made” (Moreau, 25).
God reaches out to the nations through Mission, working through His people (Missionaries) who engage the world through acts of Missions.

Mission -  This is everything the church is doing that points toward the kingdom of God

Missions – This is specific work conducted by the church and agencies in the task of reaching                        people for Christ by crossing cultural boundaries

Missionaries – A prepared Disciple whom God sends into the world with His resources to make
                           Disciples for His Kingdom
                                                                                                                (Moreau, 17 – 18)

                                                   The Mission of God in Scriptures
To gain an understanding of God’s heart for all the nations of the world, it is necessary to view it through the pages of Scripture, beginning with the Old Testament. Mission “arises from the heart of God himself and is communicated from His heart to ours.(Wright, 24). Let’s investigate this divine drama unfolding through a series of seven (7) "Acts" described by Moreau throughout the pages of biblical history. As you review this, try to place the many biblical figures and stories you have been taught in Bible studies and Sunday School within each "Act":

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

The Nature and Work of Jesus Revealed - Hebrews Pt.1

Nature and Work of Jesus – The Book of Hebrews Study Part 1
(Written by Kevin A. Hall     04.05.17)

The author of Hebrews shows Jesus as being immortal, omniscient and omnipresent (4:12-13). Jesus is from the beginning, our eternal King. Jesus the Son is first portrayed as a man. He was fully and completely human, sharing in human flesh and blood (Heb. 2:4) so that He could save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21). Jesus was “the Word becoming flesh” (Hebrews 10:5). This so that He could pay the penalty for the sins of mankind and render Satan powerless through death of the cross (Hebrews 2:14). Salvation was His mission – delivering mankind from the bondage of sin to which we often become enslaved via idols and false religion which ultimately leads to rebellion, unbelief and death (Hebrews 2:15; 3:12-13).

In His human form, Jesus was subject to all the elements just like man. He was hungry, He needed sleep, He needed relationships, He worked, He had friends and enemies, He was tired, He went to church, He walked and traveled like everyone else, He prayed to the Father, He cried, He suffered pain, He experienced ridicule and shame, He was falsely accused, He was abandoned, He was misunderstood, He showed compassion, He experienced grief, He got angry and was upset, He knew what it meant to feel rage and disappointment and certainly knew what it meant to work with people and seeing no return on the time and effort put into mentoring and discipleship. The unit shows us that Jesus was made lower than the angels (2:9) in order that He may “taste death for everyone”. This was His number one priority. Which leads me to describe His High Priestly role.

Monday, April 3, 2017

God Is Promise -Driven!

God Is Promise -Driven!
(Written by Kevin A. Hall -  10.15.2015)

God has always desired a relationship with mankind. Since the beginning of time He has kept His promise to comfort and provide for His people. Countless examples can be found throughout biblical history pointing to the ultimate promise – God’s desire to dwell with mankind.

This Promise was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2.
Ø  The Disciples wait for the Promise: Acts 1: 4-5, 12-14
Ø  The Promise arrives: Acts 2: 1-4
Ø  The Community of Promise is born: Acts 2: 37 – 41

In the Community of Believers, those receiving the Promise are empowered. Life is no longer the same. Believers activate the Word of God which is filled with Promises:
Ø  God Promises to supply all your needs:   Philippians 4:19, Psalm 84:18:7
Ø  Promises about Money, Finances and Employment: Psalm 34:9 – 10, Matthew 6:31 – 34, Joshua 1:8
Ø  Promises about Health:  Jeremiah 30:17
Ø  Promises about Wisdom and Guidance: James 1:5, Proverbs 3:5 – 7, Isaiah 30:31
Ø  Promises of Deliverance and Protection: Proverbs 18:10, Psalms 91: 4 – 6, Psalms 137
Ø  God Promises the Second coming and Resurrection:  John 5: 28 – 29, 1 Thessalonians 4:15 – 18
Ø  God Promises the End of Suffering and Pain: Revelations 21:4
When you become a member of God’s Community, His Spirit empowers you. You become heir to all He has (James 2:5).

How do you get into this Kingdom? How do you experience the Power of the Promise?

Sunday, April 2, 2017

God's Passion, Our Passion - Engaging Our Culture

 The Passion of Christ Revealed in Mission
Written by Kevin A. Hall (12.19.2016)

 As believers, we are called to Go, Baptize and Teach. We cannot do this without engaging the culture. Jesus set the ultimate example in his relations with his disciples. He sought an “attachment to himself” from those who wanted to be a part of his world. How can we best reflect the image of Christ?
To Imitate Christ, Disciples:
ü  Become like their master (Jesus)                                  Mat. 10:24 - 25
ü  “Go out with the same message, ministry and compassion, practicing the same religious and social traditions – Mat. 12:1-8
ü  Belong to the same family of obedience – Mat. 12:46-49
ü  Exercise the same servant-hood – Mat 20:26-28
ü  Experience the same suffering – Mat. 10:16-25
ü  Remain committed to being “sent in the same way to the same world” – John 20:21
                                                                                                          (Moreau, 44-45)
The Description of Ones Sent
As people living in the everyday world, we are called to engage the world beyond the four walls of the church. We ought to make a difference in the Public Square. “God cares about the church and its affairs, about missions and missionaries, about getting people to heaven as well as society, its public spaces and the conducting of affairs on the earth” (Wright, 223). God is therefore the divine and independent inspector of everything that happens in the public arena especially since He created it all. Everything is under his sovereign control; therefore he cares about it all. As missionaries or “ones sent”, it is our duty to Missionally engage the public square. We must believe the gospel and live the gospel.
ü  We can serve God by serving in political offices, this way our voices can be heard within the walls of government and we can contribute to writing the story that affects people and processes through legislation and laws
ü  We can serve God by praying for our government (Jer. 29:7, 1 Timothy 2:1-4)
ü  We can serve God by seeking the welfare of our cities (Jer. 29:7,
ü  We can serve God by doing good in our communities (1 Thess. 4:11-12; 5:14)
ü  We can serve God by confronting the issues in the Public Square
Ø  We must be different from the world (Lev. 18:3 – 5)
Ø  We must resist idolatry (1 John 5:19 – 21)
Ø  We are called to suffer – God’s power is made known to the world in our responses. It is missional

Why Do We Preach Christ 2 - Follow up Question

Who rejected Jesus And What Is The Message Of Jesus?

This is a great question. I am so glad you asked! Just in case you are not familiar with Jesus' story...He was in the beginning with the Father (He was pre-destined indeed to this work, even before the creation of the world, but has been plainly manifested in these last days for the sake of you... (1 Peter 1:20-21). 
He desired a people to love Him and to worship him. So, He created - first a home (earth), then a people starting with Adam and Eve. He gave them free will to choose. They did well for a while just like any Christian...I do this as well. I do good for a season, then I mess up. But then they allowed the devil to deceive them. Adam and Eve rejected God (Genesis 3). Since then it has been a downward spiral of human history. It has been God pursuing man and man both seeking and rejecting God. The Bible gives several examples (Cain and Abel, Jacob, Abraham, Samson, Moses, Pharaoh, the nation of Israel (the ultimate example of rejection) and the pattern has continued throughout history.

To fix the problem, Jesus Himself came into the world as a man to restore this broken relationship. Many may argue all this, but this is the message of the Bible, God's message. He came to save His people from their sins...Remember now, His people. He wishes that everyone be saved and spend an eternity with Him, but many will reject Him. They will persecute His people (now the church). They will create false religions (this is how the devil will take people with him to hell). They will torture and kill family members who accept the message of Jesus. They will use media to fool the world into idol worship - worship of man, money, positions, people, clothes, cars, drugs, sex...the list goes on and on. Why? so that the world will keep on rejecting Jesus. The biggest one I hear...” Christianity is a white man's gospel” or “There is no such thing as God”. Well, anyone that rejects this message of Jesus does so at their own peril.