
Monday, February 12, 2018

Ministry Beginnings @ Transformation Fort Lauderdale

Day 1 – Transformation Ministries Florida

Well, it’s in the books! First day of Ministry. The day I have been anticipating for years. A dream, a calling, a passion? Call it what you will, my Dad and family have started a new ministry. This I believe is a high privilege. A bit anxious the night before. I flew in from Nassau, got a haircut, and went to hang out with the team in Deerfield Beach...Nothing like some good "American Food" - burgers, nachos with cheese, chicken wings, coke. Things we take for granted...Can't get this on the islands.  A little later, I headed back to the hotel to check out the meeting space. We'd been working on plans for a while. A range of emotions when we were done with the setup...

After church today, my parents and I were rejoicing about the day when mom reminded me – “Ever since you were 6 years old, you wanted to be just like Pastor Stewart." That means I am getting old…30+ years later. Indeed, there were two things I told myself I wanted to be when I grow up – either a Banker, or a Pastor. Never got into the banking business, but over the years the Lord has granted me, I have come to appreciate the hard work of ministry that so many amazing leaders continue to do to this day. My eyes well up with tears as I think of my childhood church home, Pentecostal Tabernacle Wildman Street, Jamaica. Time would have it that I would spend an additional 17 years under the leadership of Pastor Sammy Stewart’s brother, Pastor Robert Stewart – great men of God. My Christian worldview was shaped during my time in Miami with Pastor Robert. Thank God for these men of God and their families. Of course, “It takes a village” as someone said, to raise a family. The same goes for ministry work – it takes a team of hard working, committed people to assist in the maturity of a believer.
** Speaking of maturity..
When I was about 14 years old, I was overwhelmed by a certain phobia. As you know, teens go through troubling times and how they deal with these issues may very well dictate their worldview. In my case, looking back, it was very SILLY. But, this was my battle. I could not go anywhere without carrying something in my hand. It all happened when I moved from the country to Portmore (city life..almost). Now, my world had wide open spaces, crazy traffic, crowds of people everywhere, especially downtown Kingston. If I didn't have a stick in my hand, I had to have my backpack. It felt like everyone was staring at me, all the time. The feelings got so overwhelming that Mom suggested I go in and have a talk with Pastor Sammy. The meeting wasn't very long. But what I remember is priceless. After we talked about my issue, he looked me in the eyes and said, "Kevin, you see my nose (pointing to his nose) big it is...Y'know, when I am preaching I sometimes think about people staring at my nose!"
That was all I needed to hear. If my Pastor can have an issue like mine....(a man I looked up to), then I can go on. Cured!!  Encouragement from the man of God. It takes a body of believers caring for one another to get us through this faith journey. Pastor may never remember that moment, but it was life changing for me. May we all be life-changers. I pray to continue in the example of these men. I follow them, as they follow God. We are seeking to be a blessing to those God has already assigned to our care.

This moment, would not have been the same without the help of Principal Barbara Sharpe. Talk about a hard working, passionate, sharing, woman of God! I will thank them all later. Then there’s the Pentecostal Tabernacle family of North Miami…wow!! So many friends and ministry partners there.

Finally, what a time it’s been over the last two years – quitting my job in Florida (along with hopes of climbing the corporate ladder), moving to the Bahamas with my beautiful wife (Dr. Kima Hall), adopting a beautiful little Girl (Shaneillia – talk about an instant family…wow!), finding fellowship and ministry opportunities with the great people of Andros, The Bahamas, till today, back in Florida doing ministry.

While in Andros, The Bahamas, the Lord would have it that we attended a church in the Bowen Sound District of Andros. The Mackey’s, Farrington’s and Nesbitt’s took us into their homes and ministries, allowing my wife and I to assist in ministry. It was there that I was asked to teach and linked with Bishop Farrington and his Daughter, Dr. Sharon Rolle. You could not ask to meet a more giving family. Pastor Sharon’s husband, Pastor Paul, is so passionate about the Apostolic Doctrine. This was my first exposure to the Pentecostal Assemblies of The World (P. A. of W.) organization. It’s at Pastor Sharon’s home church that I met Pastor Anthony (her brother) who is the Executive Pastor, and his wife Minister Gezel of Transformation Ministries International. The Farrington family has a vision to extend the reach of the church into the Caribbean and beyond. I like the leadership model of these churches. I completed internship with the Transformers of Nassau Bahamas (a wonderful family of God) and now…Transformation Fort Lauderdale. I am praying that the Lord will increase and expand the borders of ministry. No time to waste…I promised the Lord that the same passion I gave (hours and hours of back breaking overnights, with not enough payroll at work) to Payless, I would give the same or more to ministry. I pray He gives me time. There are days when it feels like I started too late to embrace the calling. Nevertheless….the journey continues; and might I say, it will take a team of dedicated people to accomplish Christ’s mission mandate to take this Gospel to the nations.

We are praying for a multi-cultural ministry that extends to the furthest corners of the globe. Martin Luther once said, “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, love”. I see the need for this as we continue this work of ministry. Quite a bit going on in our world to get bogged down by the non-essentials. Such a challenge dealing with the cultural expectations of “church”. I’d love to focus greatly on “the essentials”. There’s another theme that played a significant role in the Reformation Movements of early America – “Where the Scriptures speak, we speak. Where the Scriptures are silent, we are silent”.  James North said “It is relatively easy to execute the first half of that theme." I agree. The issue is with the second half. The early church struggled so much over the commands and ordinances of  God. What to do, what to do? Wear hats, makeup, jewelry…What about the hair? Hmmm…Pants for ladies…standards, values…What to teach? Who is right? What does the Bible say? What are non-essentials? What of liberty? Oh bwoy…What of grace? How much of all this is tradition? Some things have worked for the church in the past…what about this age? What of “the old landmarks”? Thomas Campbell said in his Declaration and Address – “The Silence of the Bible works both ways: Unless there is a clear New Testament teaching, we cannot insist that the people do certain things. Either way is speaking where the Bible is silent” (North, 90). The Bible has been, and will continue to be, the normative source for doctrine and living for this ministry.

Thank you Mom (Halterine Brown) and Dad (Pratt Brown)! You are the best. Now I get to work with Pastor Brown. I am certain he has always wondered “How comes my children attend other ministries, and not (seemingly) support me?”. Well Pops, I think we needed to go get some “work experience”. It’s all together now…the move was made as a family with the support of the church in The Bahamas. We started with 13:
Steven-Pratt (my brother) @ the controls
Tanya  (my sister) as moderator
Trudy (my sister) as hospitality minister
Daijah  (my neice) as an usher
Tannikqua  (my cousin)  as an usher
The Best Praise team on the Planet (just saying TMI Nassau)…Roshelle, Chamika, Nicole.
The kids (2) ….
Wow! I love our new church family. Everyone is so passionate about the way forward. Thank you all!! Much work ahead till we purchase a permanent home.

Here, we go…Pray our strength in the Lord!

Written by Pastor Kevin Andrew Hall (02.12.18)
North, J. Union Truth. Cincinnati, OH: Standard Publishing (1994)


  1. Thanking the LORD most High for this privilege. My prayers are that we grow deeper in fellowship and love, and that we dilligently commit ourselves to the great commission (moreso), as we see the times and the day approaching.
