Prayerfully Support The Mission

Saturday, April 8, 2017

God's Strategy For The World

A Biblical Perspective  -  God’s Will For Reaching The Nations
 (Written by Kevin. A. Hall 04.08.17)

The Evangelization of the world has been the mission of God since the beginning of time. The God of the Bible is a “sending God” with a heart for the peoples of all nations. We see his passion demonstrated throughout the pages of biblical history and supported by natural history and sciences. God is missional. God's purpose and goal is His entire creation. One can say that the lives of people lived over thousands of years is a divine drama “divided into a series of Acts following the lives of the people it portrays as they struggle with the reality of a broken world and their own yearnings to connect to the One in whose image they are made” (Moreau, 25).
God reaches out to the nations through Mission, working through His people (Missionaries) who engage the world through acts of Missions.

Mission -  This is everything the church is doing that points toward the kingdom of God

Missions – This is specific work conducted by the church and agencies in the task of reaching                        people for Christ by crossing cultural boundaries

Missionaries – A prepared Disciple whom God sends into the world with His resources to make
                           Disciples for His Kingdom
                                                                                                                (Moreau, 17 – 18)

                                                   The Mission of God in Scriptures
To gain an understanding of God’s heart for all the nations of the world, it is necessary to view it through the pages of Scripture, beginning with the Old Testament. Mission “arises from the heart of God himself and is communicated from His heart to ours.(Wright, 24). Let’s investigate this divine drama unfolding through a series of seven (7) "Acts" described by Moreau throughout the pages of biblical history. As you review this, try to place the many biblical figures and stories you have been taught in Bible studies and Sunday School within each "Act":

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

The Nature and Work of Jesus Revealed - Hebrews Pt.1

Nature and Work of Jesus – The Book of Hebrews Study Part 1
(Written by Kevin A. Hall     04.05.17)

The author of Hebrews shows Jesus as being immortal, omniscient and omnipresent (4:12-13). Jesus is from the beginning, our eternal King. Jesus the Son is first portrayed as a man. He was fully and completely human, sharing in human flesh and blood (Heb. 2:4) so that He could save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21). Jesus was “the Word becoming flesh” (Hebrews 10:5). This so that He could pay the penalty for the sins of mankind and render Satan powerless through death of the cross (Hebrews 2:14). Salvation was His mission – delivering mankind from the bondage of sin to which we often become enslaved via idols and false religion which ultimately leads to rebellion, unbelief and death (Hebrews 2:15; 3:12-13).

In His human form, Jesus was subject to all the elements just like man. He was hungry, He needed sleep, He needed relationships, He worked, He had friends and enemies, He was tired, He went to church, He walked and traveled like everyone else, He prayed to the Father, He cried, He suffered pain, He experienced ridicule and shame, He was falsely accused, He was abandoned, He was misunderstood, He showed compassion, He experienced grief, He got angry and was upset, He knew what it meant to feel rage and disappointment and certainly knew what it meant to work with people and seeing no return on the time and effort put into mentoring and discipleship. The unit shows us that Jesus was made lower than the angels (2:9) in order that He may “taste death for everyone”. This was His number one priority. Which leads me to describe His High Priestly role.

Monday, April 3, 2017

God Is Promise -Driven!

God Is Promise -Driven!
(Written by Kevin A. Hall -  10.15.2015)

God has always desired a relationship with mankind. Since the beginning of time He has kept His promise to comfort and provide for His people. Countless examples can be found throughout biblical history pointing to the ultimate promise – God’s desire to dwell with mankind.

This Promise was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2.
Ø  The Disciples wait for the Promise: Acts 1: 4-5, 12-14
Ø  The Promise arrives: Acts 2: 1-4
Ø  The Community of Promise is born: Acts 2: 37 – 41

In the Community of Believers, those receiving the Promise are empowered. Life is no longer the same. Believers activate the Word of God which is filled with Promises:
Ø  God Promises to supply all your needs:   Philippians 4:19, Psalm 84:18:7
Ø  Promises about Money, Finances and Employment: Psalm 34:9 – 10, Matthew 6:31 – 34, Joshua 1:8
Ø  Promises about Health:  Jeremiah 30:17
Ø  Promises about Wisdom and Guidance: James 1:5, Proverbs 3:5 – 7, Isaiah 30:31
Ø  Promises of Deliverance and Protection: Proverbs 18:10, Psalms 91: 4 – 6, Psalms 137
Ø  God Promises the Second coming and Resurrection:  John 5: 28 – 29, 1 Thessalonians 4:15 – 18
Ø  God Promises the End of Suffering and Pain: Revelations 21:4
When you become a member of God’s Community, His Spirit empowers you. You become heir to all He has (James 2:5).

How do you get into this Kingdom? How do you experience the Power of the Promise?

Sunday, April 2, 2017

God's Passion, Our Passion - Engaging Our Culture

 The Passion of Christ Revealed in Mission
Written by Kevin A. Hall (12.19.2016)

 As believers, we are called to Go, Baptize and Teach. We cannot do this without engaging the culture. Jesus set the ultimate example in his relations with his disciples. He sought an “attachment to himself” from those who wanted to be a part of his world. How can we best reflect the image of Christ?
To Imitate Christ, Disciples:
ü  Become like their master (Jesus)                                  Mat. 10:24 - 25
ü  “Go out with the same message, ministry and compassion, practicing the same religious and social traditions – Mat. 12:1-8
ü  Belong to the same family of obedience – Mat. 12:46-49
ü  Exercise the same servant-hood – Mat 20:26-28
ü  Experience the same suffering – Mat. 10:16-25
ü  Remain committed to being “sent in the same way to the same world” – John 20:21
                                                                                                          (Moreau, 44-45)
The Description of Ones Sent
As people living in the everyday world, we are called to engage the world beyond the four walls of the church. We ought to make a difference in the Public Square. “God cares about the church and its affairs, about missions and missionaries, about getting people to heaven as well as society, its public spaces and the conducting of affairs on the earth” (Wright, 223). God is therefore the divine and independent inspector of everything that happens in the public arena especially since He created it all. Everything is under his sovereign control; therefore he cares about it all. As missionaries or “ones sent”, it is our duty to Missionally engage the public square. We must believe the gospel and live the gospel.
ü  We can serve God by serving in political offices, this way our voices can be heard within the walls of government and we can contribute to writing the story that affects people and processes through legislation and laws
ü  We can serve God by praying for our government (Jer. 29:7, 1 Timothy 2:1-4)
ü  We can serve God by seeking the welfare of our cities (Jer. 29:7,
ü  We can serve God by doing good in our communities (1 Thess. 4:11-12; 5:14)
ü  We can serve God by confronting the issues in the Public Square
Ø  We must be different from the world (Lev. 18:3 – 5)
Ø  We must resist idolatry (1 John 5:19 – 21)
Ø  We are called to suffer – God’s power is made known to the world in our responses. It is missional

Why Do We Preach Christ 2 - Follow up Question

Who rejected Jesus And What Is The Message Of Jesus?

This is a great question. I am so glad you asked! Just in case you are not familiar with Jesus' story...He was in the beginning with the Father (He was pre-destined indeed to this work, even before the creation of the world, but has been plainly manifested in these last days for the sake of you... (1 Peter 1:20-21). 
He desired a people to love Him and to worship him. So, He created - first a home (earth), then a people starting with Adam and Eve. He gave them free will to choose. They did well for a while just like any Christian...I do this as well. I do good for a season, then I mess up. But then they allowed the devil to deceive them. Adam and Eve rejected God (Genesis 3). Since then it has been a downward spiral of human history. It has been God pursuing man and man both seeking and rejecting God. The Bible gives several examples (Cain and Abel, Jacob, Abraham, Samson, Moses, Pharaoh, the nation of Israel (the ultimate example of rejection) and the pattern has continued throughout history.

To fix the problem, Jesus Himself came into the world as a man to restore this broken relationship. Many may argue all this, but this is the message of the Bible, God's message. He came to save His people from their sins...Remember now, His people. He wishes that everyone be saved and spend an eternity with Him, but many will reject Him. They will persecute His people (now the church). They will create false religions (this is how the devil will take people with him to hell). They will torture and kill family members who accept the message of Jesus. They will use media to fool the world into idol worship - worship of man, money, positions, people, clothes, cars, drugs, sex...the list goes on and on. Why? so that the world will keep on rejecting Jesus. The biggest one I hear...” Christianity is a white man's gospel” or “There is no such thing as God”. Well, anyone that rejects this message of Jesus does so at their own peril.