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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Failing God - Peter

Scenes From Passion Week
Is Failure Final? 
Matthew 26: 31-33
Luke 22:31 – 33
Mark 14:30 – 31

Peter’s Denial   
I find that even though Jesus was managing related activities regarding resurrection, He still found time for “one person”, namely Peter (Matthew 28:7 “He is not here…Go tell His disciples and Peter…) So now comes time to restore Peter and give commission to His disciples.

Model for Restoration of a Believer:
Step 1 -  Peter failed and was sorrowful. He later found comfort with his friends. Sometimes a believer loses faith and either never returns (like Judas), stays on the fringes and never gets back into the mix or finds themselves in the support of fellow believers (as Peter did). Peter was disappointed with himself, but he did not lose faith (Of course, Jesus already prayed for him and all believers).