Prayerfully Support The Mission

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Would You Like To Know What God Has Called You To Do?

What Has God Called You To Do?  Do You Really Want To Know?
Written by Kevin. A. Hall (03.16.17)

Have you ever wondered what your purpose in life is? When I was younger, people would often call me preacher. You know, when people call you something long enough you begin to believe it. As I look back over my young years I remember being conscious about some task I should do for God, but not sure what it was. As I grew older I recognized that churches were built on personalities. One of the churches I attended, if a young man wasn’t as expressive as the Pastor good luck being used. Then there were all these rules in church – Don’t wear shorts, don’t wear short sleeve shirts, don’t wear a beard, don’t go to the movies, don’t go to the beach, don’t mix with the sinner, don’t get involved in sports, don’t work in certain places! What is a brother supposed to do with his life? I won’t even touch the subject of what women go through in the church. Church can be brutal to women! For some, doing work in church is the result of playing politics. For some it's based on "Who you know and Who you are related to". Thankfully, in many cases God appointed his faithful servant.
Still, how do you know what to do with your life? Should it be based on what people have "confirmed"? Is it just me "seeking after the greater gifts"?

I spent quite a few years of my life doing the same routine, especially during my twenties – Church Sunday morning, Sunday afternoon, maybe Tuesday evening, Wednesday night Bible studies, Friday night prayer, Choir practice somewhere in the mix ….oh yes, working a full-time job. Then there was school. Sounds familiar. And don’t forget balancing the pressures of my flesh, the world, and the lure of the enemy. Still, the question – What does God want me to do? How does my life fit into His plan? Do I live for me or for Him? A secular work focus or ministry oriented pursuits? One tool that has helped me identify my gifts, which in turn gives some direction on my ministry pursuits is a Spiritual Gifts Assessment. Knowing my place in God gives clarity to all areas of my life, especially how to use those gifts in the workplace. After all, ministry is not just at church, the Kingdom of God is wherever the believer is – Christ in you!

Do you want to know what God has called you to do?
Take the following assessment (about 15 minutes) to determine your spiritual gifts. A whole new world will open up to you when you know your “calling in life”. The adventure begins!

Image from Google Search -

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