Ever fell into the trap of asking (or even complaining to)
God about the returns on your investment in His kingdom? One young man felt
so good about his prospects that he was confident enough to say to Jesus “I’ve kept
all the laws.” The disciples looking on saw a very disappointed young man walk
away in response to Jesus’ answer. At this point, Peter quips “Well, we’ve left
everything to follow you. What’s in it for us?” (Mat. 19:27; emphasis mine).
We just
can’t help ourselves in not only comparing ourselves with others, but asking
the same set of questions the original audience put to Jesus:[1]
“What will I (we) get for our labor? 19:27
“Why don’t I get more for my effort? 20:11
“How can this be fair?” 20:12
Since I (we) have sacrificed so much, will I
(we) receive more than him/her?”