Prayerfully Support The Mission

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Cultural Intelligence Applied To Mission

The Great Commission mandate provides a clear directive to believers: “Go,  Make Disciples, Baptize them, and Teach them *Mat. 28:19-20). This seems like a simple enough task until one recognizes the universal reach of the command: “of all nations”. This gospel is to be preached to all nations (Mat. 24:14).  This mission to the nations calls for the application of cultural intelligence as communicators of God’s message will need to have “a core understanding of cultures, language patterns and non-verbal behaviors,”[1] unless the preference is to limit their cultural exchanges to a certain demographics. Many of the nations to which the gospel will be preached comprise people “whose tastes, behaviors, and assumptions are not only different but often in conflict with one another.”[2] That said, the message of the gospel may be foreign to many within these foreign nations. This means a clear grasp of intercultural communication that is catered to the audience. We are talking about creating an indigenous experience that is totally biblical, especially since the gospel is a universal message with universal appeal. The same approach can be used for local missions work.

God Be Praised by the Potters House Mass Choir

Sunday, October 14, 2018

The Operation of Spiritual Gifts Within God's Church

The Equipping & Building Of The Church (Ephesians 4:12-16)
Unfortunately, in many churches, only the office of the pastor seemingly is in operation. Christ’s intent was that all of his saints who have been graced with a measure of his gift would operate in their gifting (or that which they have been graced with) “in order that everything in the church might be well arranged, or put into its proper place, that Christians may have every possible advantage for becoming complete in love, and knowledge and order.”[1]  The main idea here is that the church becomes mature when Christ’s gifts are functioning within the community of believers. Jesus proclaimed he would build his church (Matthew 16:18), and he saw fit to govern such and organism through these various offices.