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Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Practical Applications of the Shepherd & Slavery Motifs

Believers have been liberated from the bondage/spiritual slavery of sin and now belong to Christ (slaves of) who is their Shepherd (1 Pet. 2:25). Using the pericopae of 1 Peter 5, the reader will find useful instructions for leaders within the body of Christ. Christian leaders are under-shepherds of God’s called people,  charged with “exercising oversight” of His flock (1 Pet. 5:2). The Greek word for ‘shepherd/tend’ here is “poimanate,” which describes the task of  tending to, rule, govern, (serve as shepherd/pastor)[Gruden 2009, p.194]. Although Christian leaders are slaves of Christ, the call to shepherd God’s flock is to be done of free will (not under constraints), ungrudgingly, according to God’s will (5:2-3).  The church belongs To God (Acts 20:28), and under-shepherds in carrying out their oversight responsibilities guard the flock (from threats, false doctrine), administer edification, watch over their souls (Heb. 13:17), and be careful not to be overbearing, prejudicial, uncaring, nor “lords over God’s people” (5:3). The reader will note here the stark contrast between those who serve the Good Shepherd versus the power-hungry false shepherds of the world’s system who Jesus called hypocrites (Jn. 10; Mat. 20:25). Leaders are called to humility and a sacrificial spirit.