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Saturday, June 24, 2017

The Preacher Who Faced Burnout And Ran From A Woman

Elijah – A Preacher Facing Burnout
1 Kings 19

(Written By Kevin A. Hall   06.25.17)

You’re not the only One!
I am inclined to think that Elijah was suffering from burnout, as many leaders do. Elijah delivered a major blow to the enemy – He and God against 450 prophets of Baal. Imagine if you will, Elijah watching ungodly men giving useless worship and making appeals to a god who cannot hear for hours.  This was the challenge of the century.  “The God who answers by fire, He is God!” 
The prophets of Baal called upon their god from morning till noon as they cut themselves with swords, blood splattering all over the place (1 Kings 18:28). Elijah mocked them in their vain attempt – “Maybe your god is occupied? On vacation? Asleep?  As expected, Baal did not answer. It was Elijah’s moment to call upon his God.  I encourage you to read the account for yourself in 1 Kings 18. It is a fascinating display of theatrics. Elijah barely prayed, when God consumed his offering - the wood, the stones, the dust and the water. There was no doubting who was God! In response to this display of power, judgment was pronounced upon those who corrupted God’s people – The prophets of the false god Baal would die. Seeing that the king himself was an idol worshiper, the Law of Moses required that the man of God would render the judgment. That day, Elijah, commissioned by God, killed all 450 prophets of Baal. We can expect God to judge those who corrupt His church. Woe to the man or woman of God who is corrupt a shepherd or allows the influence of godless and worthless leaders to guide His people.

Instead of embracing God and His government, King Ahab “ran to his wife Jezebel”, who threatened to kill Elijah within 24 hours.  Which man runs for cover to his wife? In any case, after we experience a great spiritual victory we may experience a great spiritual decline. This was Elijah’s plight. He cowered under the threat of this woman, after having displayed the power of God before the nation.  Elijah was experiencing fatigue, burnout and discouragement. Imagine the physical and emotional effort it took at Mount Carmel?  Not to mention weeks of hiding from the king. We would do well to take care of ourselves and not just the work of ministry. The challenges of the work can take a toll on us. In Elijah’s case, we see a man who lost sight of his God, his mission and his confidence. He ran away, and when confronted claimed “He was the only one left”. Impossible!  He knew there were other prophets (18:13). Burnout can lead us to make foolish choices and can drive us into self-pity.
Still, we see a God who cares for His servants, even when we feel like we are the only one. God plus one is still a majority. Elijah forgot that. When he asked God to take his life, the Lord provided food and water. The angel told him “Eat, because the journey is too great for you”.  On the strength of that food, God sustained Elijah for 40 days and 40 nights till he got to Mount Horeb. Remember Mount Horeb? This was the place where God met Moses and gave him the Ten Commandments. There are times when after facing mountains, that the only means of sustenance is time with God. Sometimes you just have to get away and feast on His food and presence, in a special place. Mount Horeb meant something to God and to Elijah. Where is your Mount Horeb?  One godly woman I know spends time by the beach with God pouring out her heart during her lunch breaks. This is her Mount Horeb. Is there a special place where you know you can meet God? It is at these places and during these times when we find strength for the journey – The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want…He restores my soul. 

Elijah was directed to enter a cave at Mount Horeb. There God asks him “Why are you here Elijah”? Elijah, how is it that you are at this place? I feel the need to ask myself…Kevin, why are you here? Spiritually and mentally, how comes you are at this place in your life?  The message to Elijah’s heart was “Have we not journeyed enough and seen enough for you to know My will for you”? Running from Jezebel? Don’t think you can trust me for your own protection? Elijah! God proceeds to hear Elijah’s concerns – “I am the only one left… and they seek my life”. Elijah sounds wimpy after the events at Carmel. At this moment, what causes you the most stress? You are not alone. God is with you. Don't forget that! He hasn't left...Maybe you walked/ran away?

The thing about self pity is that it severely clouds our mind, but the wonderful thing about God is that He allows us the space to express how we feel to him. We can "tell it to Jesus". A second time God asks Elijah "What are you doing here"? Again, this question was a rebuke - "Elijah, Is this the time to run away from your ministry? Can you not depend upon me? After all these years, the exploits we have done together...Is hiding from this woman and her army the best course? Neglecting your duty? Should you be seeking My face rather than running away Elijah?

But they seek my life!!  They hate me!!!  They are stressing me out!!

We are never alone on this journey. God would remind Elijah of Himself - I AM. Sometimes along the journey we need a bit of reminder and at times a re-commission. How about the people you work with? Do they need a reminder of their God and their mission?  Relationships falling apart? It is as if God said "Elijah! Let me remind you who I am".  He tells him "Go, stand here on the mountain". Then the Lord passed by Elijah. First there was a strong wind, rending the mountain and tearing up rocks into pieces. Then there was an earthquake. Next, there was fire. Imagine this display of power, might and majesty. I will remind you that I am God Elijah!! Still, after such a display of force and might, God did not speak to Elijah in the "noise of the wind, the earthquake nor the fire". He spoke to him in a gentle voice.
I ask you...I plead with you...Find God's voice in the midst of all the noise around you. Seek Him and you will find Him

'Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. 'I will be found by you,' declares the LORD, 'and I will restore your fortunes…” (Jeremiah 29: 12-14a)

God grants Elijah help
It is possible that this story would have had a different outcome. What would have happened if Elijah stood his ground and declared some things? After that Mount Carmel experience, What if He had confronted the ungodly queen? What would happen if we face our enemies in the might of the Lord?
In any case, God recommissioned his servant and gave him some help. "Go anoint these three men Elijah" (1 Kings 19:15-16)  His three appointments would finish the work he started. God would use Hazael to inflict punishment upon Israel in his role as King of Damascus (external punishment). God would use Jehu to destroy those who worshiped false gods in his role as king of Israel (internal punishment). Lastly, Elijah appointed Elisha as his successor. The journey was too much for Elijah. God gave him rest. He was not the only one. You are not alone. Take the time to find God in moments when you feel overwhelmed.

The Life Application Study Bible (NASB). The United States of America: Zondervan (2000)
Smith, J. The History of Israel. Joplin, MO: College Press (1995)

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