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Saturday, August 26, 2017

Postmodernism and the Church

Along the Way – Is Postmodernism Affecting Us?
(Written by Kevin A. Hall   08.25.17)

Most of Western society has been affected by the Postmodern Bug. In fact, much of what we see going on right now and is being played out in the media is a direct result of Post-modern influence. Look at our colleges and universities. Listen to the language on the streets. Watch the attitudes in protests. Look at the trend in our churches. Listen to the songs being played in our time. Away with the old! There is no God! There is no absolute truth! Truth is whatever I say it is! 

Everything is moral! There are no rules! We have no real value! You have the right to believe what you believe! There is no heaven nor hell! We will all have a chance to live life over again when we are reincarnated!  Everything is relative!
These are just some of the beliefs of the postmodern generation. God has been thrown out, so there is no absolute source of truth. We order our own destiny, they say. We are our own gods. As a result, the postmodern “frames reality by naming aspects at his or her whim” (R. Zacharias; page 20). Nothing is sacred any longer and everything is viewed from the lens of the sensual. This would seem like Postmoderns are not interested in the gospel at all. I used to think that way. But after becoming exposed to what Postmodernism is and how it affects our lives, I truly believe that behind all the façade is a hurting generation that is seeking an answer to life and is dying for a new “metanarrative." Christianity is the only solution, but we must frame this story into a manner in which they can receive it. 

This does not mean that I compromise on the doctrine or the message, but I may have to take a look at the method and the channels through which I deliver the gospel. People are hurting – Why else would they seek the comfort of these Eastern religions? Christianity is not dead. There are many churches that are bursting through the seams, while still many are stuck or dying.
Young people are leaving our churches when they hit 18 years of age, many getting a full dose of these postmodern influenced educational institutions. And we cannot forget the influence of social media. Someone said, “Those who make the story have the power to change lives”. This is how we come in – in the driver’s seat, telling the story, sharing the message and living it out. A life submitted to God is the best witness and mirror for our postmodern influenced generation. While it may seem like many are uninterested in the Gospel, there are still more who are very open. The questions become:  How do we reach them? Who will go and what will we tell them? I must understand their world and message in order to effectively bring change. The struggle continues and there is much work to do to win the fight. It starts with me, and you.

Carson, D,A.  Telling The Truth. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan (2000)

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