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Friday, February 2, 2018

The Man God Used Greatly

Ezra : God’s Man

Ezra serves as proof God can partner with just one person to accomplish His will in earth. Ezra “set in his heart to study the law of the Lord, and to practice it, and to teach His statutes and ordinances in Israel” (7:10). His vocation was priest, scribe, leader. His whole life was dedicated to God’s purposes. He served God in humility and obedience. “His knowledge of the Scriptures was obvious even to the king that he was appointed to lead the second wave of returnees; teaching them and administering national life” (Nasb). Ezra was trustworthy. Modeling true stewardship. God rewarded Ezra’s efforts, “placing His hands upon him” (7:9b). Imagine you and me living at this level!

Here’s a man that knew how to lead the people of God. Especially because he was trained to do so – a scribe, versed in the Law of Moses; a skilled student of the Pentateuch; a practitioner of its commands; an effective teacher (Larson, 80). Imagine if we were intentional with God’s Word as Ezra was cultured. We should do everything we can to promote a learning culture in our churches.
What I do like about Ezra though, is that it was God who shaped him. God always prepares whom He wishes to accomplish His purposes, and Ezra was all too willing to participate. How I pray to be like this. Here’s the good news – “A person’s willingness to know and practice God’s Word will have a direct effect on how God uses his/her life” (Nasb, 785). The call of God remains the same for all who wish to dedicate their lives to Him; only, “devote yourself to practicing the will of God” (Larson, 85). He promises His Presence and Provision. 

Larson, K. et al. Holman Old Testament Commentary. Nashville, TN: B&H (2005)
NASB. Life Application Study Bible (2000)

Written by Kevin A. Hall (02.02.18)

1 comment:

  1. Thank You Dear Kevin. we are greatly Blessed by your writing on "The Man God used Greatly". Like Ezra, we are here to learn the scriptures and be acquainted with the sense and meaning of them. May God help us to raise up to become Gospel ministers in the hand of God. Yes, we are the instruments to revive the present generation. Praises be to our Lord!!!
