Prayerfully Support The Mission

Monday, February 12, 2018

Christians in The Minority or The Majority?

A Typical Day At The Beach In The Bahamas
It's the day before we launch a new Apostolic church ministry in Fort Lauderdale Florida . I thought how best to spend the morning than at the beach, one of my favorite places. Already a good group of people here, plus this is a tourist area (Bahamas). Some playing games, some walking, some exercising, some (like me) just hanging out. Oh, there's a couple hanging out with their dog ...dogs must have beach time too y'know.

But within the crowd is a small group of people (party of 7); they were up to something different. They were singing songs, praying and lifting hands and heart in worship...the worship of the sovereign God of heaven. How do I know? They were calling His name, Jesus!

A Minority within the crowd, or is this group of 7 really the Majority?  It's good to see the people of God out in the everyday places of their communities. This group of 7 and anyone belonging to His kingdom is The Majority. They may seem odd, but what they are doing has eternal, spiritual implications. One person said "History, is determined by Pray-ers! Praying people shape the course of His-story.  What a privilege. God is not confined to a closet or a church building. My salvation (help) is in God; "For anyone that calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Romans 10:13). I feel their burden and passion. We are in this race together. They pray, I pray, You pray, wherever we are. No matter where this blog finds you, remember, God says "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you"      (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Blessings!

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