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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The People Who Neglected God

Neglect God, Love The World - Malachi
Malachi speaks very strongly concerning Messiah coming – his prophecies relate to both comings of Jesus. In chapter 4, he begins with “The great day of the Lord”, using imagery such as “burning like an oven, the wicked will be stubble, burn them up (there's a Jamaican way of saying this one that's stronger), leave them neither root nor branch, trample the wicked, ashes under the soles of your feet, strike the earth with a curse”. I am assuming the people knew he was prophesying, but these were harsh words. Yet to the people of God, these were comforting words to hear about their oppressors. How easy it is to wish destruction upon your enemies or your oppressor.

 In our blessed country of America, and for most developing nations, we no longer have “oppressive leaders keeping us down” as they would say, but this was their world. Granted, the Persians were fairly amicable to them. It was Persian King Cyrus that ordered their release from captivity to return to Jerusalem. Yet, they were experiencing hard economic times in the country. Why ? Neglect of God. The excitement to build, to experience “home” had worn off.King Cyrus ordered their release in 538 BC.  There was much to consider. Malachi’s contemporary asked them years earlier “Consider your ways!” (Haggai 1:5). Things were in such a spiritual decline that the lifestyle of the wicked was one to be envied by the people of God. They were “calling the proud blessed and elevating the wicked” (3:15). Isn’t that what we as a nation are doing now? We look at the lifestyle of the rich and famous, the celebrities, the ungodly and emulate them? Think about it…Is it not commonplace for the world to tell us how to dress, what to eat, what to buy, where to go to school, who to marry, who to love, how many kids to have (or not), how to worship (or not)? How about this one – “God is dead, so do as you please. You, my friend are king of your own domain”!

 How low they had fallen. The priests “questioned God (3:13), violated his covenant (2:11), disobeyed His laws (2:9), defiled His altar (1:7, 12), and despised His name (1:6). Imagine that! This makes me wonder about my devotion to God - How am I doing? I have lost count of the times I have failed. Yet, a covenant keeping God said to these same people, and to us Christians “I have loved you” (1:1) and “Jacob I have loved, Esau I have hated” (1:2-3). Believe it or not, God throughout history has shown His love towards His people, the descendants of Abraham (Jacob)(Israel/Christians) and a rejection (hate) of those who are un-Godly. Just in case you are tempted to envy the ungodly, and God knows this envy is so rampant in our world...look no further than among our young people.. I think now of the lotto scamming business that is impacting our schools in Jamaica, or the young prostituting their future for present gain. Here’s what God promises to do for the ungodly – Note, Esau and his descendants (Edom/Edomites) represent the ungodly, the rejected ones:
3 But Esau I have hated. I have laid waste his hill country and left his heritage to jackals of the desert.” 4 If Edom says, “We are shattered but we will rebuild the ruins,” the Lord of hosts says, “They may build, but I will tear down”  (Malachi 1:3-4)

Yes, at the time the government was corrupt and the economy was poor; times were hard. The people began to think God no longer loved them. So they began to envy the ungodly or should I say desire the things of the world. Yet another factor for the hardship they were experiencing was the
unfaithfulness of the priests - The people could live no higher that the spiritual commitment of their leaders (Miller, 318). Wow! This I must consider as I enter this new phase of ministry. It is so easy to fall into the trap of thinking “Does the worship of God makes any sense…with all that’s happening to me?”. Notice God said that wicked will keep on building, but He (God) would tear it all down again. Futile living! It’s all good now, but then what?

To those who love God, His promise is perpetual – “To you who fear My name, the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings” (4:2). The Messiah who returns will issue judgment upon both the wicked and the unrighteous, yet he brings with Him healing for those who love and obey Him. The good news is that His love for His people moved him to send a great Prophet who will “restore the hearts” of the people (4:6). No matter the times, God has a remnant that obeys, honors and serves Him. Malachi speaks to both temporal and eternal blessings for those who believe. Do you believe?  God is in the people business. We are His priority and it is His wish that no one will perish. A loving God, seeking the love of His people.

Written by Pastor Kevin A. Hall  (02.13.18)
Miller, S. Holman Commentary: Nashville, TN: B& H (2004).

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